Coloured Spirits by Tania Vasquez

Coloured Spirits by Tania Vasquez



Silver plated copper, Sterling silver, copper,  horsehair weaving

9/7.5 cm

These earrings are among the many treasures of Mapuche jewellery and are believed to be the oldest design discovered by archaeologists in southern Chile. In this piece, the designer showcases a cultural crossover where Mapuche jewellery and horsehair craftsmanship unite, representing creations from both central and southern Chile. This fusion reflects two cultures, two ways of living and coexisting with nature, the heaven and the earth, and the spirits that protect us, embodying their infinite and luminous colours.

*Piece recognised by Ruup and Form Gallery and Winner of the Best in Contemporary Jewellery 2024 by ACJ at MIlano Jewelry Week 2024.

You can visit Tania Vasquez’s page here to learn more about her and her work.

*Shipping price and Delivery Time might vary. We will notify you of the shipping cost as soon as you make your order.

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