Pink Nipple Brooch by KORZH

39. pink nipple brooch I, with a silver ball pin, 2022, 5x5x3, wool, satin, glass beads, sterling silver embroidered goods, 15g, price 403.jpg
39.1 pink nipple brooch I, with a silver ball pin, 2022, 5x5x3, wool, satin, glass beads, sterling silver embroidered goods, 15g, price 403.jpg
39.2  pink nipple brooch I, with a silver ball pin, 2022, 5x5x3, wool, satin, glass beads, sterling silver embroidered goods, 15g, price 403.jpg
39. pink nipple brooch I, with a silver ball pin, 2022, 5x5x3, wool, satin, glass beads, sterling silver embroidered goods, 15g, price 403.jpg
39.1 pink nipple brooch I, with a silver ball pin, 2022, 5x5x3, wool, satin, glass beads, sterling silver embroidered goods, 15g, price 403.jpg
39.2  pink nipple brooch I, with a silver ball pin, 2022, 5x5x3, wool, satin, glass beads, sterling silver embroidered goods, 15g, price 403.jpg

Pink Nipple Brooch by KORZH


This brooch is a part of Nipple series, a collection which represent nipple as a decorative piece on the body with its own intricate landscape. The brooch has a very unique pin which presented as a separate piece of jewelry-little metal ball with beaded band.

You can visit Korzh’s page here to learn more about her and her work.

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