Cluster Exhibitor | Cluster Contemporary | 2022
Courtenay Kusitor is a British Ghanian Abstract and Multidisciplinary Artist who draws upon her interests in consciousness, neuroscience and flow state of mind to inform her impressionistic and expressionistic art works.
Courtenay is a full time artist predominantly working with inks in a mark making style. Her main mediums are acrylic inks, Indian inks and calligraphy inks on sustainable, hand-made paper.
Courtenay’s ink works are unique and never seen before. A style which she has developed over a 20 year period following her childhood love of calligraphy. When not in the studio, Courtenay creates NFT’s and AI Art which are available on Voice, Rarible & Opensea.
Focus On What You Seek 1 | 2022
Focus On What You Seek 2 | 2022
Why Consciousness and Neuroscience? Courtenay suffered a trauma to her head and spine in 2013 which changed her life and led her down the path of awareness and consciousness.
Her process includes a ten minute transcendental meditation followed by podcasts or audiobooks around her subjects of interest. Meditating allows her to clear her mind, switch off negative and intrusive thoughts and “fall into flow” - a state of mind where she feels focused and creates intuitively.
The works and the titles of her work usually relate to the audiobook or podcast she was listening to at the time of creating or a moment in time when present in nature.
Her work seeks to visually interpret the subjects she’s interested in whilst bringing to attention the importance of living consciously, in the present moment.
Thoughts Of Consciousness 1 | 2022
Courtenay Kusitor is an Abstract and Multidisciplinary Artist who draws upon her interests in consciousness, neuroscience and flow state of mind to inform her impressionistic and expressionistic art works.
Her multifaceted practice is instructed by a ritual of meditation, listening to audio, falling into flow and living a life of awareness, resulting in series of eclectic works created in varying states of consciousness.
Thoughts Of Consciousness 2 | 2022
Thoughts Of Consciousness 3 | 2022
Thoughts Of Consciousness 4 | 2022