Cluster Crafts Exhibitor| 2024


Federica Aiello Pini is an artist based in Italy. She studied Fine Arts at Accademia di Belle Arti in Bologna and Illustration in Florence. Subsequently, in a Masterclass in Visual Art and Design at the Venice Biennale she has deepened the study of paper, such a familiar and central material in her work.

For several years she has been living in Panama, whose lush forests and explosions of color influenced her work. The same happened later in Portugal, where the strong energy of the ocean invaded her creative universe. Her works are inspired by nature, which, with its biodiversity and intertwining relationships, is a stimulus for her to investigate reality and the connections hidden behind appearances. Imagining to explore and connect places and space-time dimensions, she moves from the microcosm to the macrocosm seamlessly.


She exhibits in national and international shows, and her works are part of private and institutional collections around the world, such as those of the Portuguese Embassies in Panama and Oslo.

A firm believer in the role of the arts in improving health and well-being, she collaborates with museum institutions and hospital institutions in the development and implementation of workshops and cultural welfare projects.


Through my work I explore reality. Mixed media (acrylic, oil, pastel, pencil, quartz crystals, gold leaf) allows me to evoke multiple perceptions and sensations, while, through collage made of pieces of my previous works, torn and reassembled in a communion and fusion of different times, I build a different idea of time: not linear, but synchronic, in which past, present and future coexist, interweaving possibilities and solutions.
If we approach reality in a new way, we will perhaps be able to glimpse possibilities and open gaps, roads, build new paths.
— Federica Aiello Pini