Cluster Exhibitor | Cluster Contemporary | 2022
YOU is an Italian artist and voyager b. March 4, 1988.
One year ago he started to take planes and trains to show his strong messages to the world through performances and street art.
Why YOU? Because we are relation, so our exterior world is a simple consequence of how we relate to our inner self. This is why one of his main characteristics are the mirrors. A clear provocation to the neighbor who is called to become aware of the real world. Insofar as the artist has the gift of seeing things in another way, he has the moral duty to propose changes in moods, points of view and question marks to the observers. The only important thing in this world is YOU.
He found the tool to express his spiritual approach through provocation and his goal is build a community decentralized of people to travel with.
His famous quotes is:
‘’I can’t draw, I can’t sculpt, I can’t do illustrations and even 3d, luckily for this there are painters, sculptors and designers… I am just an artist’’