Cluster Illustration Residency Winner | Residency Journal | 2021
We had the pleasure of welcoming Paula Rodriguez
as the winner of our first Artist-in-Residence Programme.
None of this would be possible without the help of our official partner Winsor & Newton,
who provided all the needed materials for Paula to thrive.
Play some music for more wholesome feel:
Paula arrives at the Studio. It’s time to unpack all the gifts
from Winsor & Newton
Everything was provided for the artist to thrive.
We did our best to capture every small and big thing that happened during Paula’s four weeks stay.
This is Paula’s visual residency diary:
Camino al Monte | Walk to the Hill
Testing out the soft pencils of W&N
One of the first finished pieces from Paula’s stay at our Residence
Quickly after arrival Paula started working on her project
Finding some stillness inside the big city
Inspired by dream-like memories of Mexico and feeling the sun on your skin
“Investigating the memories repeating over and over in my mind.”
Strongly represented yellow palette throughout the whole series inspired by dream-like memories of places where Paula remembers feeling the sun on her skin, making her warm and content.
This piece got it’s name: La caminata de Iris | Iris walk
Of course we can not skip the best studio assistant. This is Khalua,
Paula ’s dog accompanying her during her stay in the Residence.
We had the opportunity to meet Paula with the amazing award winning illustrator @tribambuka. Paula went to Anastasia's studio and later they had some
little lunch chat.
Lagunas Mentales: Mental Lagoons
Hackney Marshes
Went to hike around Hackney Marshes and was really struck by the street art covering all of the buildings making it a colourful carpet of shapes
Next to the quiet and vast landscape of the marshes. It was like 2 dimensions in one space.
En honor a Marcelino Vicente | In Honour of Marcelino Vicente
An homage to the Mexican artist who pioneered the creation of the funky ceramic sculptures of Ocumicho
Managed to capture the sunset at Hackney Marshes
Los arcos the onírico | The arches of dreams
Work in progress form a series based on a community is potters in Michoacán Mexico
LaCapilla: another illustration from the series inspired from a small village called Ocumicho in the state of Michoacán.
Where a community of potters make this peculiar sculptures depicting characters like mermaids, saints, sun gods, devils and drunks.
You can see Khalua is a very efficient helper and an amazing model 🎀
Donde El Llano, El Lago y El Cielo se besan/
Where The Plain, The Lake and The Sky kiss
Small piece of the colour palette we received from our generous partners Winsor & Newton
La Llorona
La llorona is a very famous Mexican legend,
is a horror story and is been told in many different ways,
it changes depending on the region of Mexico,
but I just wanted to make something where the main character of la llorona was not scary or sad but just sort
of floating with the landscape like the legend does.
We were lucky enough to celebrate with Paula also her Birthday while in the Residency
El fuerte de Enrique/ Harry’s fort
“I wanted to have something in that bright pink colour that really reminds me of a flower called buganvilla that is supper common in Mexico and it covers the walls of many houses.”
Luz de Bugambilia | Light of bugambilia
Paula leaving the Residency and heading to her next adventure!
Some of the amazing work Paula finished during her stay ot our Residency