Cluster Exhibitor | Cluster Crafts | 2019
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Steven has exhibited his work at various UK shows including British Ceramics Biennial, London Craft Week and London Design Festival. He has also made large- scale outdoor installations, including From Humble Beginnings as part of the Surrey Unearthed Arts Council funded project at the Watts Gallery.
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Steven’s work investigates the language of making through the materiality and physicality of clay. Fascinated by process-led making, he uses simple tools and traditional techniques to explore unanticipated outcomes and revealing properties when clay is placed under tension. By manipulating the clay’s limits, he attempts to create objects that reference a balance between handmade and mechanised mark making. This is achieved by applying specific steps to a making process.
Fold 01 | Lighter
His aim is to share the material/maker relationship with the viewer by creating pieces that display a common theme of construction, drawing attention to the implied movement recorded by the clay through handling it over a period of time.
Steven produces a range of work from small sculptural vessel forms to large scale sculptures for installation.
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Biography and statement in more detail
I have always been drawn to the immediate mark making qualities of clay. Whether throwing or hand building, my interests lie in working with its raw unfired state. From my first encounter with clay at school I continued to study ceramics at college and university completing a BA(Hons) degree in Applied Arts.
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My career then took a different creative path as a Graphic Designer working mainly for London based design agencies for around 15 years. During this time I continued to produce ceramic work which led recently to completing an MA in Ceramics from the University of the Creative Arts. The course enabled me to dig deep into the subject and question my connection with the material. From this knowledge I was able to focus on developing a specific area of interest and begin developing an emerging artist career.
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My work aims to share the material / maker relationship with the viewer by creating work that emphasizes implied movement. Fascinated by process-led making, I use traditional techniques to explore unanticipated outcomes in an attempt to hold a narrative of the making process through the materiality of the clay. The forms I create are the result of the interaction of the artist’s action, the manipulation of the clay using bespoke tools and the properties of the material.
Fold 04 | Ceramic Vessel Sculpture | Facing
My practice explores purposely placing clay under stress to reveal the tension and movement in its surface and form. The whole making process pushes, pulls, compresses and slices the material to provoke a reaction. The final fired forms are the result of combining elements from these making scenarios, they reference vessel objects that hold their own different characteristics and energy.
Fold 04 | Ceramic Vessel Sculpture | Rear
Fold 04 | Ceramic Vessel Sculpture
The recurring making process of my work involves a cycle of hand skilled techniques through touch, followed by destructive actions using specific tools. This approach allows new objects to evolve and enables the clay to form its own expression. I see my relationship with clay as a collaboration, in which I aim to reveal its characteristics, whilst it, in return, teaches me about its natural properties.
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Clay Reclaiming | Click on image for full size
Experimenting Detail
Since Cluster 2018
I have continued to explore applying a specific making processes to my practice. Developing the process Repetition, Compression and Cut has led to producing large figurative sculptures that were exhibited at the British Ceramics Biennial in October 2019. More recently I have focused on refining the work by creating smaller pieces to enable a broader output of results. I am still exploring porcelain parian clay and its challenging properties. There’s endless possibilities to push the material. It was produced as a cheaper more malleable material to substitute marble and I have found my research and interests drawn to marble sculpture both in its decorative use in history and its properties as a material and how it is extracted.
Fold 05 | Components
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Fold 05
The ~Fold~ series of ceramic sculptures explore combinations of duality – distortion and precision. They have been developed from an ongoing interest of applying fixed processes to making. By placing clay under stress they attempt to reveal tension and movement in surface and form. These sculptures follow the specific steps of the making process – repetition, compression, fold and cut. Similar to pottery production throwing, batches of air tight clay spheres are created with incised lines and surface texture. Each sphere is compressed, releasing the air pressure and stacked one on top of the other. The stack is then cut through using a press and a cylinder cutting tool. The cut is a quick ‘swift’ action that forces further distortion to the stacked forms and creates an opposing precise interior surface in reference to a vessel. The extracted clay core from the cut is reused to create precise vessel forms that refill the interior space.
I plan to continue to developing the ~Fold~ series of work. With a particular focus on waste, I aim to set the parameters of using all of the clay I begin with. The cut away material will be put back through a process to produce objects until all the clay is used up. Another focus area is developing the initial surface decoration before their distortion. In time I see the pieces getting larger due to flexibility of using component sections and my deeper understanding of the material.
My exhibition plans for 2020 have so far been put on hold due to the current COVID 19 situation. These include: One Year In New Designers exhibition and Transition-Materiality at the OXO gallery have been moved to 2021.
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Steven Edwards | In the studio
Oxide test tiles
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Handling work
Kiln Loading