Cluster Exhibitor | Photography & Print Fair 2022


Firecracker I

Firecracker II

Firecracker III

Firecracker IV


Tony Mak
(b.1991) is a Cantonese-Chinese photographer based in London and Guangdong, China.
Cultural landscape and regional history are his main interests to investigate in his photographic practice.


In his project ‘To The West Of The Solitary Sea’,
he photographed the local traditional ancestor veneration rituals and investigated in the anxiety
of a fractured individual cultural identity caused by the rapid modernisation development in a small Cantonese town in Southern China.

The Solitary Island


Untitled 1

Untitled 3

Untitled 2

Untitled 4


Untitled 5


When we look at photographs, we are looking into mirrors that reflect our mental world. In his work, he sought to find the presence of his ancestors in his unconscious. The practice of photography, which he considered to be another form of religious ritual, is used to grief and search for eternity in this rapidly changing world. If gravestones stand as a symbol for eternity, the ancestor worshiping ritual then becomes a conversation between the living and the dead. Photography also has the therapeutic ability to resolve time, it is our modern way to look for eternity.


Qing Ming II



Cotton Flowers | 2021