Cluster Exhibitor | Cluster Crafts | 2022
Magicae Fungi
Verity Pulford is a glass artist living in rural North Wales. Her work is concerned with macro organic structures. Her latest body of work has been researched and produced with the support of The Arts Council of Wales. She pushes the boundaries of what is possible of glass, developing her own techniques to imagine magical realistic forms inspired by nature.
Large Cloud bowl | 2022
Magic Mushrooms | 2022
Homofaber Magic Mushrooms | 2021
Magic Mushrooms | 2021
Tongue of Humble Bee | 2021
Tall vases | 2022
Algae Bowls Medium and Small | 2022
Studies of Lichen in Blue and White | 2022
“I am a glass artist living and working in rural North Wales.
I use a variety of processes to create my work-combining kilnforming, architectural and casting techniques in unique ways to create vessels, sculpture, installation, architectural and public art.”
Polycistina Mandala | 2022
For the Love of Small Things | 2021
“My work is inspired by organic structures- in particular the small details- the shapes and textures of algae, fungi, lichen, moss and ferns. I am also fascinated by the cataloging of nature- natural history artifacts, early cyanotypes, x-rays, microscopic images of the human body and botanical drawings.
The qualities of glass inspire me constantly, the fragility and strength, the transparency, opacity, ability to create layers, depth, pattern, texture- and all of this combined with the ability to transmit, reflect and channel light.”