Cluster Contemporary Jewellery Exhibitor 2022


Yasmin Vinograd , Jewelry Designer and Maker.

Yasmin graduated from Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design.

She started her career as a professional and lecturer in creative processes, and visual communication (Open University, Hasifa School of visual communications and multimedia, Israel), while setting her studio as a goldsmith and jewelry designer since 2003.


From 2005 to 2022 Vinograd exhibited her work in contemporary jewelry exhibitions and Biennales.


Inner Landscapes

Hidden colors are revealed when we peel back our layers.

We discover inner landscapes that we did not know and thus we mobilize the forces stored within us.


Materials are the medium through which I convey my messages and feelings.

They tell my story and offer a unique expression. A new piece always starts with a thought about the “what” - what I want to say and explore, with the emphasis on the path. It's an unpaved road. I don’t really know where this path will lead. Processes take shape on the go. I experience the materials and try to bring them to their “edge” and to realms that surprise me. It is a balance between some level of control and guidance, and unleashing spontaneous processes. I work with various raw materials like gold, silver, silk, iron, and stones, using traditional and contemporary techniques.