Title: Dafna’s Cries – The Spoils of War by Hendrike Barz-Meltzer

Dafnas_Cries-The Spoils_Of_War_Brooch_HBarz-Meltzer_image1_2024_45x30mm_Keum-Boo_(1)_12g_£885.jpg
Dafnas_Cries-The Spoils_Of_War_Brooch_HBarz-Meltzer_image1_2024_45x30mm_Keum-Boo_(1)_12g_£885.jpg

Title: Dafna’s Cries – The Spoils of War by Hendrike Barz-Meltzer



Brooch, Sterling silver, 24 ct gold foil, rice pearls, stainless steel

45 x 30 mm

12 gr

This piece is part of the series ‘The Spoils of War’, exploring the subject of violence and trauma suffered by women during war.

The gently curved, black shape represents the weeping, closed eye of a crying woman enduring sexual violence in war.

You can visit Hendrike’s page here to learn more about her and her work.
*Shipping price and Delivery Time might vary. We will notify you of the shipping cost as soon as you make your order.

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